Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Empire Strikes Back

On Wednesday I went to my general practitioner for my annual check-up. Go for the flu shot, stay for the interrogation.

After she went through all the general health questions, she asked me if I ever went for the sleep apnea test we'd discussed a year before.

"Yes," I said. "And I do have sleep apnea. But I haven't gotten the CPAP machine yet." (For the uninitiated, a CPAP machine is a device that keeps your breathing going by forcing oxygen into your nose while you sleep, so you can get a good night's sleep and not die in the process.)

"Why not?" she asked.

Here's where I had to make a choice, and I told her my half-truth reason, which is that I thought if I lost some weight, I'd get rid the sleep apnea and not have to use the CPAP machine at all.

The real reason? Sleeping next to my husband looking and sounding like Darth Vader is not my idea of attractive. I've told this to my husband, who in turn told me to get the machine, because I need it for my health. He's really supportive like that, although it makes me wonder if there's a kinky side to him that I didn't know about before.

My doctor assured me that getting the CPAP machine will make a world of difference and possibly get rid of a lot of my other health issues.

Before I left the office, she gave me a form for a blood test to rule out any other issues. "And get that CPAP machine," she said. "I mean it."

You win this time, Lord Vader.

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